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List all Calls

List all calls.


The API token must include the following scopes: Voice.

Path Parameters
AccountSid uuid REQUIRED

The Project ID that uniquely identifies the Account to retrieve.

Query Parameters
EndTime string

The time, in RFC 2822 GMT format, on which the call was terminated.

EndTime< string

The time, in RFC 2822 GMT format, before which the call was terminated.

EndTime> string

The time, in RFC 2822 GMT format, after which the call was terminated.

From string

The address that initiated the call. Can be either a E.164 formatted number (+xxxxxxxxxxx), or a SIP endpoint (sip:xxx@yyy.zzz).

ParentCallSid uuid

The unique identifier for the call that created this call.

StartTime string

The time, in RFC 2822 GMT format, on which the call began.

StartTime< string

The time, in RFC 2822 GMT format, before which the call began.

StartTime> string

The time, in RFC 2822 GMT format, after which the call began.

Status string

Possible values: [queued, ringing, in-progress, canceled, completed, busy, failed]

The status of the call.

To string

The address that received the call. Can be either a E.164 formatted number (+xxxxxxxxxxx), or a SIP endpoint (sip:xxx@yyy.zzz).



uri string OPTIONAL
first_page_uri string OPTIONAL
next_page_uri string OPTIONAL
previous_page_uri string OPTIONAL
page integer OPTIONAL
page_size integer OPTIONAL
account_sid uuid OPTIONAL

The unique identifier for the account that created this call.

calls object[] OPTIONAL
account_sid uuid OPTIONAL

The unique identifier for the account that created this call.

annotation string OPTIONAL

The annotation for the call.

answered_by string OPTIONAL

Possible values: [human, machine]

Who/what the call was answered by. Possible values are human or machine.

api_version OPTIONAL

The version of the SignalWire API.

caller_name string OPTIONAL

The name of the caller. Only available if Caller ID lookup is enabled.

date_created string OPTIONAL

The date, in RFC 2822 GMT format, this call was created.

date_updated string OPTIONAL

The date, in RFC 2822 GMT format, this call was updated.

direction string OPTIONAL

Possible values: [inbound, outbound]

The direction of the call. Possible values are inbound or outbound.

duration number OPTIONAL

The duration, in seconds, of the call.

end_time string OPTIONAL

The time, in RFC 2822 GMT format, on which the call was terminated.

forwarded_from string OPTIONAL

The number this call was forwarded from.

from string OPTIONAL

The address that initiated the call. Can be either a E.164 formatted number (+xxxxxxxxxxx), or a SIP endpoint (sip:xxx@yyy.zzz).

formatted_from string OPTIONAL

The formatted number that initiated the call.

parent_call_sid uuid OPTIONAL

The unique identifier for the call that created this call.

phone_number_sid uuid OPTIONAL

Outbound call: the unique identifier for OutgoingCallerId. Inbound call: the unique identifier for IncomingPhoneNumber.

price number OPTIONAL

The charge for the call.

price_unit string OPTIONAL

The currency, in ISO 4127 format, for the price of the call.

sid uuid OPTIONAL

The unique identifier for the call.

start_time string OPTIONAL

The time, in RFC 2822 GMT format, on which the call began.

status string OPTIONAL

Possible values: [queued, ringing, in-progress, canceled, completed, busy, failed]

The status of the call.

subresource_uris object OPTIONAL

A Map of available sub-resources.

notifications string OPTIONAL

The URI for notifications

recordings string OPTIONAL

The URI for recordings

to string OPTIONAL

The address that received the call. Can be either a E.164 formatted number (+xxxxxxxxxxx), or a SIP endpoint (sip:xxx@yyy.zzz).

formatted_to string OPTIONAL

The formatted number that received the call.

uri string OPTIONAL

The URI for the call.