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Integrating with Dialogflow Agents

Dialogflow agents allow you to use and build engaging, conversational interfaces powered by Google's Dialogflow AI. You can import Dialogflow agents in your SignalWire space and connect them to your numbers.

Follow this guide to learn how to connect a Dialogflow agent.

Linking Dialogflow

To begin, Navigate to the Dialogflow tab in your SignalWire dashboard. Once you are there, click on the "Import" or "Add" button.

A screenshot of the 'Import a Dialogflow Agent' popup. A blue button gis labeled 'Go to Dialogflow Console'.

The popup that opens after clicking on the "Import" or "Add" button in the Dialogflow tab.

A popup will prompt you to open the Dialogflow Console. After clicking on "Go to Dialogflow Console", you will get redirected to Dialogflow's landing page. Once there, select the Integrations tab from the left sidebar. Then, click on SignalWire to begin the integration process.

A screenshot of the Dialogflow web application. The 'Integrations' tab is selected, showing a number of logos under the One-click telephony heading. The SignalWire logo appears in this section.

The "Integrations" tab in Dialogflow. You can notice the SignalWire logo at the bottom.

Give this new Integration a name and then click Sign Up

A screenshot of the new SignalWire Integration pane with a text field labeled 'Name' and a dropdown variable labeled 'Environment'.
Give a name to the integration that you are creating.

Once you sign in and consent Dialogflow to access your SignalWire cloud space, the next step is to associate a phone number to this agent. You can click Link with New Number to have a number purchased and configured for this. Or, you can edit your phone settings after this integration to use a number that is already in your space.

A screenshot of the Setup Dialogflow Agent page, with options to link new numbers or link and finish later.

Dialogflow integration setup screen. You can choose between linking to a space and creating a new number automatically, or linking and associating a number manually at a later time.

Creating a Dialogflow Agent

Now that your SignalWire space and a number have been linked with your Dialogflow account, it is time to create a new Agent. On the left panel, click on Create new agent.

A screnshot of the Dialogflow web application with the 'Create new agent' option selected.
To create a new agent, click on the left menu in Dialogflow.

Then, name your new agent and click Create. Once your agent is created, click on the Settings (Gear) icon in the top right corner of the screen which is next to your agent's name.

A screenshot of the new agent creation page.
Choose a name for your agent.

Once in the settings of your agent, click on the Export and Import tab. If you have an agent that is already stored locally, you can import this as a zip file. For this demo, we will click Import From Zip. Our sample zip file can be found HERE.

A screenshot of the Export and Import tab of the agent settings. The 'Import From Zip' option is the third button from the top.
Export and Import screen in Dialogflow.

Note: after selecting the zip file to upload, you must type in "IMPORT" for the import to process successfully.

A screenshot of the Upload agent popup. There is a file selection wizard, and a text field in which the user has typed 'IMPORT'.

Import dialog. You can select a zip file to upload, and then click "Import".

Congratulations! Your agent is now up and running within your Dialogflow account, which is linked to your SignalWire Space. You can try this out by typing into the console on the right side of your Dialogflow dashboard.

A screenshot of the console in the Dialogflow dashboard. The user has input the text 'Can I speak to sales', and the Agent has replied 'Thanks. Connecting you with our sales team.' Contexts listed are sales and sales-followup. The Intent field is labeled 'Transfer to Sales'.
Your agent is up and running.

In addition, you can remove imported agents from your SignalWire space. Removing agents will make them unavailable when creating future Dialogflow calls and will be removed from any Phone Numbers that are configured to use it. You can add these removed agents back anytime.

To handle calls using Dialogflow agents, configure your phone numbers to handle calls using a Dialogflow Agent and choose which agent to run when a call comes in.

A screenshot of the Phone Numbers page of a SignalWire Space. In the Edit Settings page of a given phone number, 'Handle Calls Using' has been set to 'a Dialogflow Agent.'

You can associate a phone number to Dialogflow by configuring your phone number within your SignalWire Space.

You may also re-import DialogFlow agents to upgrade to the new integration method within the SignalWire Space.

Upgrading your Dialogflow Agent

Within your SignalWire space, navigate to the Dialogflow section. Then, click on the “Update Required” badge associated with the agent that needs to be re-imported.

A screenshot of the Dialogflow section of the SignalWire Space. There is a yellow 'Update Required badge next to the Agent Name.
The Dialogflow section in your SignalWire space.

Because the new integration method is initiated from within the Dialogflow interface, a modal is presented describing the next steps and a link to open the Dialogflow console where the agent can be re-imported using the new integration method.

A screenshot of a popup window titled 'Agent Integration Needs Upgrade, with a blue button titled 'Go to Dialogflow Console'.
Upgrade instructions.

Wrap up

We provided a guide on how to integrate SignalWire with Dialogflow agents. For a step-by-step tutorial on the processes mentioned above, check out the videos below and follow along as we demonstrate how to perform this integration.

For Dialogflow specific inquiries, refer to the Dialogflow documentation page.