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List Room Recordings

A list of all Room Recordings.


The API token must include the following scopes: Video.

Query Parameters
media_ttl integer

Generated media links will be valid for this many seconds. Default is 900 (15 minutes).

Example: 900



links object OPTIONAL
self string OPTIONAL
first string OPTIONAL
next string OPTIONAL
prev string OPTIONAL
data object[] OPTIONAL
id uuid OPTIONAL

Unique ID of the Room Recording

room_session_id uuid OPTIONAL

Unique ID of the Room Session the Room Recording was made in.

status string OPTIONAL
started_at date-time OPTIONAL

Timestamp of when the Room Recording started.

finished_at date-time OPTIONAL

Timestamp of when the Room Recording stopped.

duration integer OPTIONAL

The length of the Room Recording in seconds.

size_in_bytes integer OPTIONAL

The number of bytes of the Room Recording file.

format string OPTIONAL

The MIME type of the Room Recording file.

uri string OPTIONAL

A temporary URL for accessing your recording file. This URL, by default, is only valid for 15 minutes.

created_at date-time OPTIONAL
updated_at date-time OPTIONAL