Parameters for AI that can be passed in ai.params
at the top level of the ai
Name | Type | Required? | Default | Description |
direction | string | Optional | the natural direction of the call | Forces the direction of the call to the assistant. Valid values are inbound and outbound . |
wait_for_user | boolean | Optional | false | When false, AI agent will initialize dialogue after call is setup. When true, agent will wait for the user to speak first. |
end_of_speech_timeout | integer | Optional | 2000 ms (2 seconds) | Amount of silence, in ms, at the end of an utterance to detect end of speech. Allowed values from 250 -10,000 . |
attention_timeout | integer | Optional | 10000 ms (10 seconds) | Amount of time, in ms, to wait before prompting the user to respond. Allowed values from 10,000 -600,000 . Set to 0 to disable. |
inactivity_timeout | integer | Optional | 600000 ms (10 minutes) | Amount of time, in ms, to wait before exiting the app due to inactivity. Allowed values from 10,000 -3,600,000 . |
background_file | string | Optional | 600000 ms (10 minutes) | URL of audio file to play in the background while AI plays in foreground. |
background_file_loops | integer | Optional | undefined (loops indefinitely) | Maximum number of times to loop playing the background file. |
background_file_volume | integer | Optional | 0 (the natural volume of the file) | Adjust the volume of the background file play. Allowed values from -40 -40 . |
ai_volume | integer | Optional | 0 (the natural volume of the AI) | Adjust the volume of the AI. Allowed values from -50 -50 . |
local_tz | string | Optional | GMT | The local timezone setting for the AI. Value should use IANA TZ ID |
conscience | boolean | Optional | true | Strictly enforce prompts |
save_conversation | boolean | Optional | false | Send a summary of the conversation after the call ends. This requires a post_url to be set in the ai parameters and the conversation_id defined below. This eliminates the need for a post_prompt in the ai parameters. |
conversation_id | string | Optional | Unique identifier for this conversation to be used to retain info from call to call | |
digit_timeout | integer | Optional | 3000 ms | Time, in ms, at the end of digit input to detect end of input. Allowed values from 250 -10,000 . |
digit_terminators | string | Optional | DTMF digit, as a string, to signal the end of input (ex: "#") | |
energy_level | number | Optional | 52 | Amount of energy necessary for bot to hear you (in dB). Allowed values from 0.0 -100.0 . |
swaig_allow_swml | boolean | Optional | true | Allow SWAIG functions to return SWML to be executed by the call? |