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Create a Queue.

Create a call queue.


The API token must include the following scopes: Voice.

Path Parameters
AccountSid uuid REQUIRED

The unique identifier for the account this Queue is associated with.

Request Body
FriendlyName string REQUIRED

A description that distinguishes a queue.

MaxSize string

The maximum number of calls that are allowed to wait in a queue.



account_sid string OPTIONAL

The unique identifier for the account this Queue is associated with.

average_wait_time uuid OPTIONAL

The average wait time, in seconds, of callers in a queue.

current_size string OPTIONAL

The number of calls waiting in the queue.

date_created string OPTIONAL

The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the Queue was created.

date_updated string OPTIONAL

The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, the Queue was updated.

friendly_name string OPTIONAL

A description that distinguishes a queue.

max_size string OPTIONAL

The maximum number of calls that are allowed to wait in a queue.

sid string OPTIONAL

The unique identifier for the queue.

uri string OPTIONAL

The URL of this resource.