account_sid uuid — OPTIONALThe unique identifier for the Account that created this Application. |
api_version string — OPTIONALThe version of the SignalWire API. |
date_created string — OPTIONALThe date, in RFC 2822 GMT format, this Account was created. |
date_updated string — OPTIONALThe date, in RFC 2822 GMT format, this Account was updated. |
sid uuid — OPTIONALThe unique identifier for the Account. |
friendly_name string — OPTIONALA named unique identifier for the resource. Allowed characters: A-Za-z0-9_- . Maximum of 100 characters. |
message_status_callback string — OPTIONALIf a message's ApplicationSid is set to this Application's Sid , when a message receives a status change, SignalWire will send a POST request to this URL with the message's details. |
sms_fallback_method string — OPTIONALPossible values: [GET , POST ] Whether the request to SmsFallbackUrl is a GET or a POST . Default is POST . |
sms_fallback_url string — OPTIONALThe URL SignalWire will request if errors occur when fetching the SmsUrl . |
sms_method string — OPTIONALPossible values: [GET , POST ] Whether the request to SmsUrl is a GET or a POST . Default is POST . |
sms_status_callback string — OPTIONALIf a message's ApplicationSid is set to this Application's Sid , when a message receives a status change, SignalWire will send a POST request to this URL with the message's details. |
sms_url string — OPTIONALThe URL to request when an SMS is received. |
status_callback string — OPTIONALThe URL to pass status updates to the Application. |
staus_callback_method string — OPTIONALPossible values: [GET , POST ] Whether the request to the StatusCallback URL is a GET or a POST . Default is POST . |
uri string — OPTIONALThe URI for this Application. |
voice_caller_id_lookup boolean — OPTIONALWhether or not to look up a caller's ID from the database. Possible values are true or false . Default is false . |
voice_fallback_method string — OPTIONALPossible values: [GET , POST ] Whether the request to VoiceFallbackUrl is a GET or a POST . Default is POST . |
voice_fallback_url string — OPTIONALThe URL SignalWire will request if errors occur when fetching the Url . |
voice_method string — OPTIONALPossible values: [GET , POST ] Whether the request to VoiceUrl is a GET or a POST . Default is POST . |
voice_url string — OPTIONALThe URL to request when a phone number receives a call or fax. |