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List All Conference

The ability to read all of the conferences that are associated with your SignalWire account. This will be returned as a list of conferences.


The API token must include the following scopes: Voice.

Path Parameters
AccountSid uuid REQUIRED

The unique identifier for the account that created this conference.

Query Parameters
DateCreated string

Shows conferences that were created on the date provided. Format as YYYY-MM-DD in UTC. You can also append < or > to return a range of conferences. For example, use DateCreated< to return conferences created on or before midnight of the date, or DateCreated> to return conferences created on or after midnight of the date.

DateUpdated string

Shows conferences that were updated on the date provided. Format as YYYY-MM-DD in UTC. You can also append < or > to return a range of conferences. For example, use DateCreated< to return conferences updated on or before midnight of the date, or DateCreated> to return conferences updated on or after midnight of the date.

FriendlyName string

A description, up to 64 characters, of the conference room.

Status string

The status of this conference.



uri string OPTIONAL
first_page_uri string OPTIONAL
next_page_uri string OPTIONAL
previous_page_uri string OPTIONAL
page integer OPTIONAL
page_size integer OPTIONAL
account_sid string OPTIONAL

The unique identifier for the account that created this conference.

conferences object[] OPTIONAL
account_sid string OPTIONAL

The unique identifier for the account that created this conference.

api_version string OPTIONAL

The version of the SignalWire API.

date_created string OPTIONAL

The date, in RFC 2822 format, this conference was created.

date_updated string OPTIONAL

The date, in RFC 2822 format, this conference was updated.

friendly_name string OPTIONAL

A description, up to 64 characters, of the conference room.

region string OPTIONAL

Possible values: [us1, us2, ie1, de1, sg1, br1, au1, jp1]

The region where this conference audio was mixed. Possible values are us1, us2, ie1, de1, sg1, br1, au1, and jp1.

sid string OPTIONAL

The unique identifier for this conference.

status string OPTIONAL

The status of this conference.

uri string OPTIONAL

The URI for this conference.

subresource_uris object OPTIONAL

The links to associated subresources.

participants string OPTIONAL

Links to the participants

recordings string OPTIONAL

Links to the recordings