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Retrieve a Queue Member.

Retrieve a single queue member.


The API token must include the following scopes: Voice.

Path Parameters
AccountSid uuid REQUIRED

The unique identifier for the account this Queue is associated with.

QueueSid uuid REQUIRED

The unique identifier for the queue.

CallSid uuid REQUIRED

The unique identifier for the call.

Query Parameters
Front string

Retrieve the member that is at the front of the queue.



call_sid string OPTIONAL

The unique identifier for the call this Queue Member is associated with.

date_enqueued string OPTIONAL

The date, in RFC 2822 format, the queue member was enqueued.

position string OPTIONAL

The member's current place in the queue.

uri string OPTIONAL

The URL of this resource.

wait_time string OPTIONAL

The contents of the Bin, this evaluate to valid XML, with additional support for mustache templating.