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Search for available Phone Numbers to Purchase

Returns a list of phone numbers available for purchase that match the given search criteria parameters.


The API token must include the following scopes: Numbers.

Query Parameters
areacode string

An areacode to search within.

number_type string

Search for either local or toll-free numbers. Defaults to local.

starts_with string

A string of 3 to 7 digits that should be used as the start of a number. Cannot be used in combination with contains or ends_with.

contains string

A string of 3 to 7 digits that should appear somewhere in the number. Cannot be used in combination with starts_with or ends_with.

ends_with string

A string of 3 to 7 digits that should be used as the end of a number. Cannot be used in combination with starts_with or contains.

max_results number

The maximum number of matches to return. Upper limit of 100. Defaults to 50.

region string

A region or state to search within. Must be an ISO 3166-2 alpha-2 code, i.e. TX for Texas. Cannot be used in combination with areacode.

city string

A specific City to search within. Must be used in combination with region. Cannot be used in combination with areacode, starts_with, contains, or ends_with.



links object OPTIONAL
self string OPTIONAL
first string OPTIONAL
next string OPTIONAL
prev string OPTIONAL
data object[] OPTIONAL
e164 string OPTIONAL

The phone number in E164 format.

national_number_formatted string OPTIONAL

The phone number formatted for readability.

international_number_formatted string OPTIONAL

The phone number formatted for readability, including the country code.

rate_center string OPTIONAL

The rate center of the number. Only available for numbers in US and Canada.

region string OPTIONAL

A region or state to search within. Must be an ISO 3166-2 alpha-2 code, i.e. TX for Texas.

country_code string OPTIONAL


capabilities string[] OPTIONAL

A list of communication methods this phone number supports. Possible values are: voice, fax, sms, mms.