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Update a Verified Caller ID

To update an existing Verified Caller ID, you send a `PUT request to the Verified Caller ID resource. Any parameters not passed in will remain unchanged.

The extension is only used when sending a verification call, if you need to update the extension and initiate a new call - use the Create a Verified Caller ID endpoint.


The API token must include the following scopes: Voice.

Path Parameters
id uuid REQUIRED

Unique unique identifier of the Verified Caller ID on SignalWire

Request Body REQUIRED
name string

String representing the name portion of the caller ID. If not provided, the default will be the formatted number that has been provided.



type string OPTIONAL

The type of the returned object, this should be verified_caller_id.

id uuid OPTIONAL

The unique identifier of the Verified Caller ID on SignalWire.

verified boolean OPTIONAL

A boolean representing whether the number has been verified or not.

verified_at string OPTIONAL

Nullable DateTime fields representing the date and time that the number was verified. If the number has not been verified, it will be null.

status string OPTIONAL

String representing the verification status for the caller ID. Current values are "Verified" and "Awaiting Verification"